Saturday, January 30, 2010

Numis Network

Yes, Charles Fuchs joins The!

I have made the decision to promote The Numis Network because Silver is the hottest thing right now. If you have any questions about the Numis Network, be sure to contact me or visit one of my Numis Network Websites Today!

Learn more about the Numis Network.

Charles Fuchs

Numis Network

Check out this recent interview with multi-millionaire and best selling author, Robert Kiyosaki, said about buying Silver assets.

Numis Network

Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, businessman, self-help author, motivational speaker and inventor.

Kiyosaki is best known for his Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of motivational books and other material. He has written 15 books which have combined sales of over 26 million copies. Three of his books, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant, and Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, have been on the top 10 best-seller lists simultaneously on The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and the New York Times.

Learn more about the Numis Network

Charles Fuchs
Numis Network

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Numis Network

Numis Network is pioneering the sale of graded, silver and gold numismatic coins through the network marketing industry. Our vision is to become the largest retailer in the world of these precious metal coins by creating this new industry category combined with the explosive power of the network.

If you want to be part of history in the making something that is revolutionizing the online and MLM industry then you seriously want to attend our webinar and find out what all the buzz is about why everyone is learning how to collect real money.

Is the force field MONEY keeping you down…

-Isn’t money blocking out the quality of food you eat?
-Isn’t money blocking out the type of car you really want to drive?
-Isn’t money blocking out the neighborhood in which you want to live?
-Isn’t money blocking out the quality of education you want to give your kids?
-Isn’t money blocking out helping those whom you love the most?
-Isn’t money blocking out EVERYTHING THAT IS VITAL IN YOUR LIFE?

No one can deny how vital money is in their everyday life, and to have a shortage of it day in and day out gets old…

As a matter of fact it’s downright depressing…

So, what if there was a company that came along and offered
you an opportunity to create wealth by supplying MONEY to people…?

Who wouldn’t want to look at that as a business, and who wouldn’t want to buy that product?

Learn more about the Numis Network.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Numis Network

New Numis Network splash page! Get daily updates why the Numis Network will be one of the top Networking Marketing companies in the next 5 years.

Click Here: Numis Network - The Numis Network Company site.

Click Here: Numis Network - opt-in page to get more information.

If you have any questions, contact me at my personal Numis Network webpage.


Charles Fuchs

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Numis Network

What first brought Numis Network to my attention was the fact that this company combines the part of numismatics represented by coin collecting with an already proven network marketing system, in a powerful solution that should help you build.

Numis Network is a young company, but whose leaders are far from being young in the industry. Its founding partners, Ian Cordell, Chris Kent and Jake Kevorkian have a 2 decade network marketing and direct sales experience. Adding to this the over 20 years successful numismatic coin industry career of the expert in numismatics Mike Mezack, you do the math and see how much credibility the business has brought in front of my eyes.

These four partners have started Numis Network for all the right reasons: first of all, silver and gold have been an equivalent of money and power for over four thousand years. And they haven’t lost their value in all this time, on the contrary. They are regarded nowadays as the safest investment method, particularly due to the economic recession: the stock market is unsafe, interest rates are so low that bank account cash deposits are no longer a good idea if you want to increase the value of your money, while real estate, overvalued before the crisis onset, has seen fluctuations greater than anticipated.

The form of gold and silver investment was well chosen, to say the least: silver coins and gold coins allow for progressive accumulation of wealth, in a rhythm that suits your financial possibilities. In other words, no matter what your income is, with Numis Network you have access to what was before a privilege of rich people only: purchasing gold and silver.

The products Numis Network offers are certified and graded silver and gold coins issued by government mints such as those of the United States, Canada, Australia, Austria, China. They are collector’s coins, so their value is based not only on precious metal content, but also on coin condition and collector demand. This is why certified coins provide greater value than simple bullion coins. The flagship product is the most popular collectible coin in the world: the Silver American Eagle.

Given the fact that Numis Network is pioneering the sale of numismatic coins through network marketing, this is a totally new and fresh marketing opportunity, with unexplored possibilities. Taking into account the growing trend for gold and silver investments, the timing could not be better.

Apart from offering all these – an excellent product, that has real value and is priced right, the unexplored market opportunity, the perfect timing, plus a rewarding compensation plan, Numis further motivates its future collaborators by providing a comprehensive online marketing system, containing your personalized Numis website, sales videos with Mike Mezack, numismatic training videos, a back-office business center, an e-mail marketing system, customizable e-mail auto-responder campaigns, a separate lead capture website, and a lead/contact management system.

Visit my personal Numis Network website and get started right away!

Also Be sure to Visit the NumisNetwork | Numis Network Squidoo Site!

This Opportunity is going to BE HUGE and probably your Best Chance of getting involved with a REAL Online Opportunity where you can CHANGE YOUR LIFE!